The beginning and the growth
At the age of 19 after attending the science high school, Guido moved to Venice where he would attend the Architecture University IUAV. He graduates in 2003 under the guidance of professor Luciano Semerani with a thesis that was the design of an experimental park for the production of clean energy, where some architectures were inspired by the work of Sir Norman Foster”.
The inspiring journey
In 2005 Guido moved to Los Angeles to study transportation design. Here he would attend Art Center College of Design and would get to know the work of relevant professors such as John Velazko and Richard Pietruska, who would become great source of inspiration.
The design studio
In 2007 he moves back to Italy where he would meet the designer Francesco barbi and together they started the design studio Barbi Bottazzo, a design laboratory active to provide industrial design solutions to clients.

After many years of drawing for the industry I have realized how often designing for clients and corporates can be soulless due to the logic of cost savomg, massive production that often don’t really care of the beautiful and the emotional sphere that are behind the conception of a drawing.
As a designer myself, I have often felt like I was drawing products that often were just fulfilling the directions of marketing and just feeding consumerism. I have seen so many drawings created with hours of heart and passion that have not made it to production, and this experience has grown into me a new awareness. A desire grew into me to free my drawings from the logic of production and business.
So one day I asked to industrial design to become Art, and this is when in 2011 I created my first artwork called Chainsea. Chainsea is a visionary image where a Chainsaw I had designed was just setting on a lake pretending to be a luxury yacht.
The following works like The Venice crops and The Unexpected Kiss went in the same direction.
It was a few months later painting “The House on Tree” that I realized I was feeling the urgency of creating more of my own art. The House on Tree made it finalist to the prestigious Arte Laguna Price in Venice in 2013.
The years that followed set for me the beginning of a journey where I started to draw just for the pleasure of doing it, embracing that pure enjoyment that could be found in the years of a childhood, when we all do things with semplicity and innocence with a pure purpose of playing, knowing, and discovering. I asked my drawing skills to design what my eyes of child were witnessing. This has been for me the beginning of a collection of arts that has become my Art of today.
Watching my artwork is a journey where the viewer gets transported in a dimension where the rational doesn’t exist and we all are gifted with the pure and uncontaminated eyes of the child.
My arts tell stories of a peaceful world where we observe the decline of the heavy metal structures representing the human chains, sometimes cultural, sometimes political and sometimes phisical. These chains fall and free that purity and excitement that has been the spark of us being children.’
” A desire grew into me to free my drawings from the logic of production and business.“
“Chainsea is a visionary image where a Chainsaw is setting on a lake pretending to be a luxury yacht.“
“These artworks clearly show a decontectualization of product design there these objects end having an unexpected purpose.“

What if industrial design became Art?
“I like to describe my artwork as Industrial Art, because it is the result of answering the question “..what if industrial design became Art?”
I have always been expeerimenting with traditional medias such as pencils, china markers, acrilic paint and more advanced techniques such as digital painting. Today my artworks are a combination of digital print and acrilic paint that mix with clearcoat on policotton canvases.
Every art of mine is created as a single piece or in some cases in a limited series of 3 or 5 – all with different sizes – in order to be faithful to the philosophy of industrial production that is a strong statement on every work that is to be defined as industrial.’

Early Days
Showcases my early days work from 2005 to 2012 with pieces like ChainSea and The Venice Crops. In this early paintings I was often decontestualizing products of industrial design, creating unexpected scenarios.
Formula 1
This is a visionary representation of the Motorsport world and celebrates my passion for mechanics in particular for the automotive world.

The Pure Eyes of a Child
Most of the recent work goes under this collection. Each work is a representation of ordinary life stories telling the riconciliation with the dreamy years of us being children, where all was possible fun and peaceful.